What a pleasure every time we (my wife and I) arrive at Liberty Farm to see first hand the hard work and caring for all the animals by my son James and daughter-in-law Sarah on their farm! James and Sarah in just over a year have developed a certified organic dairy farm that includes raising organic pork and organic beef. The commitment by these two young
individuals absolutely
amazes me. I enjoy helping out on the farm when I'm in Vermont and there is certainly always something to do. The animals are well cared for so a lot of hay and saw dust for bedding needs attention two times a day. That usually ends up being my chores along with feeding the pigs. I really enjoy helping out because I truly believe in an organic life-style when ever possible. It is the way to go! I just wish it was a little warmer in Vermont but we know that is not going to happen until a few months from now. So, if your passing through Shoreham Vermont make sure you stop and say "Hi" to James and Sarah. Don't forget to order your shares of organic pork or oragnic beef and if your in the area you can pick up some orgainc raw milk at the farm in Shoreham. Buy local!